
BLOGs OF SunLife Solar

Greetings from our Solar Power Knowledge Center powered by SunLife Solar !

Being one of the top solar power companies in the USA, we know how important it is to arm homeowners with useful solar energy knowledge. Our blog page won’t be another blog page; we’d like to offer a wealth of knowledge, tips, and suggestions on the world of Solar Power, from selecting the best solar panels for your house to comprehending the advantages of solar energy. Through exploring subjects like net metering, solar panel efficiency, and solar panel maintenance advice, we hope to empower homeowners across the USA, especially homeowners from states like New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, to make wise choices that will lower their electricity expenses while also promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. Come along on this insightful adventure to harvest solar electricity and revolutionize the way we power our houses.
Two houses with solar panels on their roofs

Do solar panels increase the value of your home in New York?

Do Solar Panels Increase the Value of Your Home in New York? Learn How Solar Panel Installation Impacts Property Values.

Person reading a electricity meter in a living room

What’s the Difference Between Watts and Kilowatts?

Understanding the Difference Between Watts and Kilowatts in Home Energy and figure out how to save electricity bills.

Solar panels on a house roof with hands holding cash, representing solar incentives for homeowners.

What are the Solar Incentives for Homeowners in Connecticut?

Discover Solar Incentives for Homeowners in Connecticut. Save Big on Solar Power, minimize your electricity bill.

Why Are Electric Rates Rising Yearly in NYC, NJ & CT?

Rising electric bills in NYC, NJ & CT? Find out why and explore ways to potentially lower your electricity bills.

How can I maximize the efficiency of my solar panels?

Learn how to maximize the efficiency of your solar panels with strategies such as optimal orientation, shade elimination etc.

What Are the Challenges and Solutions to Rooftop Solar?

Considering rooftop solar? Learn about the key challenges and solutions, including financing, policy, grid connection, and more!

What Is The Ideal Solar Panel Size for AC and Home Appliances?

Confused about solar panel size ? Discover the ideal solar panel size for powering your AC and home appliances efficiently.

Traditional Roof or Solar Panels: What’s Best for Your Home?

Upgrading your roof? Solar panels or traditional roofing? Here is the cost benefit analysis to help you decide!

Should You Install Solar Panels at Home?

Learn if solar power is the right choice for your energy needs and how it can save you money while benefiting the environment.