
Power Your Home

With Clean, Sustainable Solar Energy in Connecticut

SunLife Solar is a leading provider of solar panel installation services for homeowners in Connecticut. Embrace the power of the sun and enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable energy.


The cost of your solar panel system depends on several factors, including your energy consumption, roof size, and desired system size. SunLife Solar offers competitive pricing and can provide a personalized quote during your free consultation.

Sunlife: Shielding Your Home Against Outages and Soaring Energy Expenses

+0.62 Mil.

Connecticut State residents hit by
outages from 2008 to 2017.


Connecticut State's residential electricity rates vs. the national average.


Connecticut solar price drop over the last five years.

Empowering Your Home with Tailored Solar Solutions

Reduced Electricity Costs

Connecticut's net metering program allows you to earn credits for excess solar energy fed back to the grid.

Financial Incentives

The Federal ITC and the Connecticut ZEC program (Zero-Emission Certificate) significantly offset the cost of your solar system.

Increased Property Value

Homes with solar panels are increasingly attractive to buyers, potentially fetching a higher price.

Why Choose Solar in

Sunlife Sunlife

Smooth Solar Installation with SunLife

SunLife Solar ensures a stress-free solar installation experience in onnecticut:
SunLife Solar Streamlines the Process:

Sunlife Sunlife

Pre-Installation Assessment:
Our solar specialists will visit your property to assess your roof's suitability for solar power generation and determine your energy needs. Based on this evaluation, we'll design a customized solar system that perfectly fits your requirements.


Permitting Navigation:
We understand the ins and outs of solar permitting in [State Name]. Our team will guide you through the process and handle all the necessary paperwork, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition.


Expert Solar Installation:
Our crew of certified and experienced technicians will handle your solar panel installation with the utmost care and efficiency. They prioritize safety and quality, ensuring your system is installed correctly and functions optimally.


Peace-of-Mind Monitoring & Maintenance:
We don't stop after installation. SunLife Solar provides ongoing monitoring of your solar system's performance. Additionally, we offer maintenance plans to ensure your system operates at peak efficiency for years to come.

Get a Free Quote Today!

Ready to take control of your energy costs and make a positive impact on the environment? Contact SunLife Solar today for a free, no-obligation quote on your Connecticut solar panel installation

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